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Petals and Halos Florist in East Maitland


Same Day Deliveries - Order by 11am

If you miss same day cut off time, try calling us

Some of our Faves

In-Store Ready To Go

We have daily posies from $30, Flower Crowns and Buttonholes in-store ready to go!

Flower bouquets ready to go
Flower Crowns made ready to go instore East Maitland
Ready to go Wrist Corsages In-store East Maitland

At Petals and Halos Florist located in East Maitland, we're not just a small business; we're a family, pouring our hearts into every product and service we offer.

With the guidance of a mother's wisdom and the enthusiasm of a daughter's dreams, we've created a haven where quality meets care, and every customer is treated like family.

From our handcrafted creations to our personalised service, every aspect of our business reflects the values instilled in us by generations of strong women. With each purchase, you're not just supporting a small business; you're nurturing a legacy of empowerment and entrepreneurship.

Thank you for choosing to support our small business and being a part of our family story.

We deliver fresh, dried & quality artificial flowers, gifts, hampers and homewares to Maitland, Rutherford, Thornton, Kurri, Lochinvar, Beresfield, Woodberry, Farley, Bolwarra and anywhere in between. Click here if unsure or give us a call.

Florist Maitland, Flower Delivery Maitland, East Maitland Flowers, Bouquet Maitland

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